by Hatti Strong on 2017-04-19

SAN BERNARDINO>> On Wednesday, April 12, Assemblymember Eloise Gómez Reyes, a member of the Assembly Select Committee on Domestic Violence, co-hosted a press conference on domestic violence with Option House, Inc. in San Bernardino to discuss the issue of domestic violence and the stigma related to speaking out when being victimized. Community leaders throughout the Inland Empire attended to show their support and advocate for a renewed commitment to shed light on domestic violence. Lt. Mike Madden of the San Bernardino Police Department said, “San Bernardino police conducted more than 1,500 investigations related to domestic violence in 2016.” In addition to organizations that provide short-term care for domestic violence victims, Time for Change Foundation has provided long-term care for 15 years. “It is time to get serious, it is time to bring awareness and destigmatize the issue of domestic violence”, Reyes said. Reyes also discussed legislative bills being introduced that relate to domestic violence. AB 413 allows a party to a confidential communication to record the conversation for the purpose of obtaining information reasonably believed to relate to the crime of domestic violence. AB 929 clarifies that a court must consider all documented evidence of any history of domestic violence, between the parties or perpetrated by either party against either party's child, when deciding whether to order spousal support. SB 40 extends felonies in domestic violence cases to include strangulation and suffocation. Option House, Inc. is a San Bernardino County nonprofit organization whose mission is to empower victims of domestic violence by providing 24-hour crisis intervention services. The Mexican and Guatemalan Consulate of San Bernardino also discussed the U-Visa program, which assists victims of domestic violence. Community leaders in attendance included San Bernardino Mayor Carey Davis; San Bernardino PD Chief of Police Representative Lt. Madden; San Bernardino City Unified School District Board Member Abigail Medina; Gwen Rodgers, Young Visionaries CEO; Terrance Stone, Guatemalan Consulate of San Bernardino Billy Munoz; Mexican Consulate of San Bernardino Enrique Saloman Rosas Ramirez; Inland Congregations United for Change; Time for Change Foundation; Office of Senator Connie M. Leyva Representative Michael Townsend; Office of Assemblymember Jose Medina, Representatives Carmen Cuevas and Tiffany Tran; Diocese of San Bernardino Petra Alexander; San Bernardino County Sheriff Norm Núñez; SEIU 2015 Representatives California Partnership Ipyani Lockert and CHICCA Mary Valdemar. [END]