by Julia Nunez on 2017-03-09

SAN BERNARDINO>> Residents received free tax preparation during the Tacos and Taxes event at San Bernardino Valley College last month. The event featured the CalEITC4Me bus, which was equipped as a mobile tax preparation center with computers and Wi-Fi. The bus was staffed by volunteer tax professionals who provided screening to determine eligibility for federal and state Earned Income Tax Credits (EITC) and prepared and electronically filed federal and state tax returns. The event was made possible by CalEITC4Me, which brought the free tax preparation services and resources to San Bernardino County residents. Families whose households made $55,000 or less in 2016 may be eligible for up to $6,000 in EITC cash back credits. Eligible low-income working families in the county can claim an estimated $25 million available in credits from the state’s EITC program and hundreds of millions more from the federal EITC program. The free tax preparation event was part of San Bernardino County Transitional Assistance Department’s (TAD) efforts to offer free tax preparation and e-filing services for qualifying low to moderate income taxpayers through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. Tax returns are filed electronically, for both California and federal taxes. Taxpayers can call to make appointments, and there are extended evening hours and Saturday appointments available. Walk-ins are also welcome. Bilingual tax preparation services are available. Refunds may be received in as few as 7 days after acceptance. “VITA can truly provide life changing outcomes for those who are eligible,” said Gilbert Ramos, Director of Transitional Assistance. “We are always excited to see the positive outcomes VITA has on those we serve and the community as a whole.” It is the 12th year that TAD has partnered with the Internal Revenue Service to offer free, accurate, certified tax preparation services through the VITA program. The VITA campaign is focused on increasing awareness of the Earned Income Tax Credit, or EITC, which most VITA qualified taxpayers are eligible to receive. This credit was developed to help assist those who are in financial need as well as to reward employment. For the second year in California, the Cal EITC is also a refundable tax credit for low income taxpayers that puts money back in the pockets of California’s working families and individuals. Every year, thousands of families miss out on this tax credit; money that could be used to help meet their families’ basic needs. The additional money that taxpayers receive from the EITC has proven to help boost the local economy. [END]