by Joe Gutierrez on 2016-10-13

SAN BERNARDINO >> California State University, San Bernardino’s human resources department was awarded the 2016 Human Resources Outstanding Team Award for its work in launching Onboarding at CSUSB, the university’s new employee benefits orientation program. The CSUSB team received the award at the California State University’s System-wide Human Resources Conference held in Long Beach. The award honors individuals and teams with the 23-campus CSU that have provided outstanding service, demonstrated significant program improvement and/or worked in a collaborative manner to solve problems and improve processes. Campuses submitted nominees through a campus-determined process and a system-wide committee selected the honorees. The CSUSB human resources department launched the first Onboarding program in January 2015 with success. "Instead of the typical information-overload session, the new employee and benefits program was conversational, interactive and sprinkled with a bit of fun and campus spirit", said Rowena Woidyla, manager of training and development. The monthly Onboarding format is a 3.5 hour session where employees learn about CSU/CSUSB history, the mission, vision and core values, as well as learn immediate actions to take as a new employee. The orientation also allows new employees to learn about benefits, campus services and meet other members of the campus community from their union representative to members of the CSUSB university police. “Industry data suggests that the first 90 days for a new employee is critical,” Woidyla said. “Our HR office reaches out to the new employee and their supervisor (separately) to understand how things are going. By doing so, we’ve been able to address performance concerns proactively. As new employees gain familiarity with their role and the campus community, we invite them back within three to six months to a reception co-sponsored by human resources and the president’s office where they have an opportunity to meet the president and members of the president’s cabinet." The program has received overwhelming approval. “The Onboarding team has received tremendous feedback not only from new employees, but also from staff and administrators who participate,” Woidyla said. “We even have existing employees who plead to participate.” Based on the feedback from each Onboarding session, Woidyla has said changes to the program have been made where applicable. As an example, in 2015, orientation was held in the morning. Based on suggestions received, Onboarding at CSUSB moved to the afternoon so new employees have an opportunity to be welcomed by their hiring department in the morning. [END]