Tips for Having a Healthy Holiday Season

By: Carol Soudah

Community Writer

Photo Courtesy of:

Kaiser Permanente

Photo Description:

Child and adult enjoying a meal around the dinner table.

Tips for Having a Healthy Holiday Season  The holidays are full of family, friends, great food and great memories. But they aren’t always compatible with a healthy lifestyle. The holidays can be a perfect storm of sweet treats, holiday meals, cold weather, less light and exhaustion that leads us to eat more and exercise less.  Take time to rest and get plenty of sleep  Irregular sleep can lead to poor sleep quality, fatigue, poor eating habits and daytime sleepiness.   Brian Bautista, M.D,, a physician at Kaiser Permanente San Bernardino County shares, “I believe good sleep is important for overall health. Sleeping well improves quality of life. Poor sleep is linked with an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart attacks, diabetes and cancer."  Sleep is as important as diet and exercise to your overall physical and mental health. Getting enough rest gives you more energy, fights illness and helps you replenish yourself to better manage anxiety and depression.  Eating healthy can be easy and delicious  The indulgent, decadent treats that adorn holiday tables may not conform to our healthy diets. Gerald A. Cox II, M.D., a physician at Kaiser Permanente Riverside suggests, “if you plan on indulging, consider eating a high-fiber snack beforehand to prevent over-consumption of high-sugar or high-fat options.”  There is no shame in leftovers, and if questioned at the dinner table, you can let them know your doctor recommends it.  Avoid the flu No one wants to be sick for the holidays, so before your schedule gets too busy, make time to get a flu shot.   For more information on staying healthy, visit