San Bernardino County is not acting alone when it comes to emergency preparedness. The San Bernardino County Office of Emergency Services (OES) is excited to offer free Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training opportunities throughout the county, with sessions hosted by various cities, towns and County OES.
The CERT Basic Training courses are designed to prepare volunteers to help themselves, their families and their communities in the event of a disaster. The training covers critical topics such as disaster response skills, fire safety, medical aid, disaster medical operations, terrorism, team organization, and light search and rescue.
Disasters, such as wildfires or earthquakes, can happen at any time. In these situations, first responders may not be able to assist everyone immediately. CERT training teaches individuals how to stay safe, save lives and protect property, while awaiting professional assistance. Volunteers learn important skills that help them protect themselves, their families and neighbors, strengthening their community’s support system during emergencies.
How do I join?
Joining San Bernardino County OES CERT is easy! Training sessions are available year-round. If you’re interested in attending CERT training, here are a few ways you can sign up or learn more:
Sign up:
Call: 909-356-3998
For more information about County OES, please visit